Last night I made some avocado and cucumber rolls. With some wasabi and soy sauce.
Had a bit of miso soup too. Very tasty.

I also made a pie yesterday. A monkey pie **. Click to find the recipe HERE!

**No monkey’s were harmed in the making of this pie.

The pie was creamy, sweet and very satisfying. Thanks Mama Pea for the inspiration! I love it when you see a recipe that you have all the ingredients for in the pantry.

It was a fun mail day yesterday too! Check out this adorable baby stuff my friend Chelsea sent me.

Thanks Chelsea! We love it.

Now we just need a baby. 41 weeks today–waddle,waddle. We go in tomorrow for some non-stress tests to see what is happening.

Time for me to kick back with one of these…

And hit the balcony to watch my oranges grow…

Actual size!

Talk to ya all later. πŸ™‚