Good afternoon my lovely people! Today is a special day here on Cupertino Chronicles. I have two groovy books to send to one lucky winner! Has anyone read…

If you would like to win these two books please leave me a comment with your favorite knock knock joke. The winner will be randomly selected (probably by pulling names out of a hat) because I have no idea how to do the random integer computer thing. Good luck!

In other news, I was up at the crack of 4am. Instead of staying in bed contemplating life I decided to greet the day. It was a nice quiet time to watch the news, check emails, and have some of my new favorite cereal. With lots of blueberries of course.

Since I was up so bloomin’ early there was a need for breakfast #2. I decided to surprise my hubs with…wait for it…BREAKFAST IN BED! I know, I know, I shouldn’t spoil him. I guess all you guy readers are now green with envy. You should be. It was good!

3/4 cup o’ whole wheat flour
2/3 cup o’ soy milk
1/4 tsp of baking powder
1 egg
blueberries(I coat them in flour first to keep the batter from turning blue. Unless your kids want blue pancakes then just giver’)
a whole lotta love

I only had one pancake so sure enough I was hungry again…fast. I had a craving for a BLT. Holy Applewood bacon batman, this was delightful. Doesn’t bacon make everything better. One of the reasons I will never be a vegetarian. Sorry Wilbur.

Toasted up right on a whole grain english muffin.
Now that wraps up breakfast.

On a random side note, my oranges are growing! 🙂

Oh and I’m really happy with my new galoshes…

Phew…I’m hungry again. Have y’all tried these?

Oroweat sandwich thins, oh so scrumptious, especially with cucumber, red leaf lettuce, hummus, mustard, mayo, white cheddar, and tomato.

Poor guy, I feel like I’m exposing him to the world. Indecent exposure!

A nap was had and then a little treat. A cup o’ tea and a Kashi dark chocolate cookie. A healthy cookie.

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Well, that’s it for now. I see the rain has let up for a bit. I’m going to grab my sidekick

and head out for a walk and some fresh air.

Thanks for reading. I love all the comments you guys leave. Keep it up!